Covid-19 pandemic a blessing or a curse


As covid 19 infections climb beyond 28 lakhs cases globallly and as countries have increasingly responded with lockdown, Social media users are sharing photos and videos of clear water, wildlife roaming close to city. Many users are pointing to signs of positive environmental prospect amid the viral pandemic. People claims “The Earth has already began showing signs of amazing things that are happening from the absence of human pollution.”  yes its true that despite all worrisome condition , the environment is enjoying a healing moment in a very long time. but there’s nothing to celebrate about the spread of the coronavirus, even if it does contribute to a temporary decline in greenhouse gas emissions. COVID-19 has already killed thousands of people around the world and crashed the worldwide economy.

It’s not a sustainable way to reduce air pollution, and the long-term economic and well-being impacts of this crisis are going to be devastating for many people.

Expert says although pollution has decreased but the effects are only temporary” because slowing down of economy also drives down emission as factories, shops, industries are closed due to lockdown, emissions are expected to fall. After the pandemic when economic recovery process will start emissions will increase substantially like it happened during the economic crisis of 2008-2009.

“Certainly in the short term you’ll see big  positive changes on environment. but I think the important question is  Are there going to be any long term changes? will people continue to apply the more carbon friendly changes in their behaviour after the pandemic: will they learn to stay at home more or be less willing to travel or be more willing to work from home?

I hope in this event when we are staying at homes and have chance to think how we are going to communicate some of the bigger issues ahead us. we must understand that public health depends on a  healthy planet  and both are interconnected.

On the occasion of 50th anniversary of World Earth Day  let us pledge to make our planet more greener and healthier. lets fight everyday to make it a better place for tomorrow.

Within nature lies the cure for humanity

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